Company formation in Estonia

Estonian market provides great to increase market share in the Baltics, as well as to ensure further expansion in Scandinavian countries. Estonian tax system is favorable for business developments, since profits are not taxed until they are distributed in dividends.

Key conditions for company registration in Estonia

  1. Share capital  EUR 2,500;
  2. A member of the Board, who could also be a non-resident of Estonia should be designated;
  3. A legal address should be chosen. If needed, we can provide you with a legal address.

Duration of company registration process

Company registration process takes up to 5 days.

Expenses on company registration

  • Fees for company registration, including preparation of documents, provision of legal address, state duties: EUR 750.
  • Minimal share capital: EUR 2,500.

Company registration process

Founder of a company will need to visit Estonia one time. The founder of the company will need to open a bank account on the name of the company to be registered, pay in the account share capital and sign registration documents that will be submitted to Estonian Enterprise Register.

Required information

  1. Company name, or choose from existing company names;
  2. Data on the company owner (passport copy and residence address);
  3. Data on the company’s member of the Board (passport copy and residence address);
  4. Legal address;
  5. Specific requirements for company registration, if any.

Application Request

Please mark the services that you need, describe the services that you need using the form below. We will respond to you within one business day.

Name (required)

Email address (required)

Telephone Number


Which Services do you Require?

Please describe your requirements
